Articles | Churchill Mortgage

Taking Control During Uncertain Times

Written by Churchill Mortgage | Apr 1, 2020 4:13:04 PM

It’s hard to do anything lately without hearing about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which has created mass panic throughout the world. Toilet paper is gone, people are hoarding mass amounts of food, while others go to the store to find nothing. There’s disruption in income sources and there’s no way to know how long all of this will last. Emotions are running high.

Don’t let your emotions take control of your finances and certainly don’t let fear rule the unknown right now. This too shall pass. But how do you remain calm when you see the stock market fluctuating all over the place, volatile interest rates, and so much uncertainty in every aspect of life? Keep this list handy to remind yourself to focus your efforts on controlling the “controllables.”

7 things you can control in your life right now:

  1. Get your own personal finances in order. If you’ve lost your job due to COVID-19, remember this is only temporary. Reduce your spending and think about the decisions you are making every day that impact your monthly budget. For example, if you’re paying for cable now might be a good time to investigate cheaper streaming options like Sling, Hulu, or YouTube.
  2. Stay true to yourself. If you find comfort in daily devotionals, then don’t lose your way during this time of uncertainty. A lot of churches have moved to online services during this time period as well.
  3. Have some fun. It’s important to have time to unwind. Now is a great time to start that book you’ve been wanting to read, play board games with family members, have a virtual coffee date or book club with friends, and reconnect with people online who you may have lost touch with over the years.
  4. Work on your health. Go on a walk (just make sure if you see your neighbors you stay at least 6 feet apart). Walking is great for both your physical and mental well-being. A little fresh air can go a long way. It also helps with your immunity to fight this nasty virus. Try to eat well-balanced meals and get plenty of sleep.
  5. Try to have a positive attitude. Speaking of health… we know this can be a hard one right now but it’s important to not give up hope. Try to not get sucked into the vicious cycle of worries, fears, and self-pity. Often when you see and expect negativity, you get stuck dwelling on problems. Positive thinking increases mental productivity and reduces the effects of stress. Don’t lose sight of the importance of your critical thinking skills in the midst of fear.
  6. Take a break. Put a pause on watching the news (or even looking at social media). Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be stressful and upsetting—get the facts but take it in small doses.
  7. Helping others. Now is a great time to help other people in need. Whether it’s getting groceries for someone in the high-risk category for COVID-19, sending a card to your local hospital to support healthcare workers who are on the front lines, or tipping a delivery person more than usual. The list goes on and on. Take some time over the next few days and weeks to think about how you can show your appreciation to even just one person who has made a difference in your life during this pandemic.

Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. The concerns about the coronavirus pandemic are very real and it’s easy to fixate on the things you can’t control. We aren’t as powerless as COVID-19 is making us feel right now. Stay calm, focus on the good in the world, and how you can take control of your own actions and life during this time of uncertainty.

Remember,  America was built upon ingenuity and the economy will rebound. We will get through this and invent new ways to succeed that will ultimately make us all stronger.  Stay healthy and stay strong! We’ve got this, friends! 👊

Click here for a message of hope and watch Dave Ramsey and his team talk about practical advice, and what you need to do with your money and career right now.