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Debt-Free Stories

We're so excited to share real stories of triumphant homeowners who have turned their dreams into reality by paying off their mortgages and achieving true financial liberation.

These remarkable individuals embarked on a journey towards debt-free living, demonstrating unwavering determination, savvy financial strategies, and a deep-seated desire for a brighter future. 

Join us in celebrating these triumphant tales and let them inspire you to carve your own path toward achieving your debt-free dreams.

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The Murphy Family

“Everybody at the bank was just absolutely shocked,” Murphy says. “When you tell them you’re debt-free, no one wants to believe it. But this is how we chose to live.” 

When the Murphy Family wanted to buy a home, they thought were in for quite an adventure, but their lending team at Churchill Mortgage helped this debt-free family get their dream home.

Read the Murphy's Debt Free Story

Max and Katie Doles

I'm grateful we didn't listen to the people who said that it wasn't practical or possible. 

And we're grateful for Churchill Mortgage, who celebrated with us, and cheered us on the whole way; it's amazing to have a mortgage company that doesn't want you to have a mortgage!  Truly, Churchill is made up of people who want what's best for their customers, and I'd recommend them to everyone. 

Overall, it's about wanting something badly enough that you're willing to give up current comforts and pleasures to accomplish it, knowing you'll be better off in so many ways.  The statement "I'm a homeowner" has so much more meaning to us now that we truly own our home.  It is worth it, and it is possible for those that really want it!

Read the Max and Katie's Debt Free Story

The Railey Family

Choose a mortgage company that makes you a priority, helps you build wealth and ultimately, live debt-free.

Watch Bo & Stephanie Railey’s experience working with us

Start Your Debt-Free Journey Today!